Denotation of abbreviations:

Rev. Review(s)
p. page(s)
CI Current Index to Statistics
MR Mathematical Reviews
CMP Current Mathematical Publications
ZM Zentralblatt fur Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete
RZ Реферативный Журнал – Математика
SA Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts
CIM Cumulated Index Medicus
ESS Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Wiley, New York 1997, Samuel Kotz, editor-in-chief.
DBD A Dictionary and Bibliography of Discrete Distributions –Ganapati P. Patil, Sharadchandra W. Joshi, C. Radhakvishna Rao, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh 1968.
DSD Distributions in Statistics: Discrete Distributions – Norman L. Johnson, Samuel Kotz, Houghton Mifflin Comp., Boston, New York 1969.
UDD Univariate Discrete Distributions, Norman L. Johnson, Samuel Kotz, Adrienne W. Kemp, Second edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1992
DMD Discrete Multivariate Distributions, Norman L. Johnson, Samuel Kotz, N. Balakrishnan,

Wiley, New York 1997.

TUD Thesaurus of Univariate Discrete Probability Distributions, Gejza Wimmer, Gabriel

Altmann, Stamm Verlag, Essen 1999



1.      On the formula for the moments of the Poisson distribution, Bulletin de la Societé des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź, 10, (1960), p. 1-5. Rev.: MR 25 (1963), 1081; DBD p. 151; TUD p. 736, 502.

2.      On the generalized Poisson distributions, Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe – Societas Scientiarum Lodziensis, Sectio III – Wydz. III, fasc. Nr, Łódź 1962, p. 1-40. Rev.: DSD p. 202, 213 [19] in Chap. 8: Some compound, generalized and modified discrete distributions, p. 262, 277 [22] in Chap. 10: Some miscellaneous discrete distributions (univariate); TUD p. 736; UDD 196 [4.12.5], 324 [8.3.1], 449 [11.12].

3.      Moment recurrence relations for the generalized Poisson distributions, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź, 18, 1 (1967), p. 1-5. Rev.:TUD p. 736.

4.      Numerische Metoden zur Anwendung der Formeln für die Momente der Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen (Application of numerical methods to the formulae for the moments of probability distributions – in German), Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Otto von Guericke in Magdeburg, 13, 3/4 (1969), p. 213-219 (11. Kolloquium ber mathematische Methoden der Statistischen Qualitätskontrolle). Rev.: ZM 175, 1 (1969), p. 174.

5.      The recurrence relations for the moments of the discrete probability distributions, Dissertationes Mathematicae (Rozprawy Matematyczne), 83 (1971), Warszawa (Warsaw), PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers), p. 1-50. Rev.: MR 46, 6 (1973), 10034, p. 1746; ZM 234 (1972), 60007, p. 344-345; RZ 1 (1972), 1 B26, p. 12; TUD p. 736, 502, 554.

6.      Bemerkungen über die zentralen unvollständigen und absoluten Momente der Pólya-Verteilung (Remarks on the central incomplete and absolute moments of the Pólya distribution), Applicationes Mathematicae (Zastosowania Matematyki), in German, 14, 4 (1975), p. 579-597. Rev.: ZM 328 (1977), 60010, p. 386-387; MR 52, 3 (1976), 6830, p. 969; TUD p. 736, 528.

7.      Incomplete moments of the Pólya distribution, 40th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Warsaw September 1-9, 1975, Contributed papers, p. 293-297; Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Proceedings of the 40th Session 1975 Warsaw, vol. 46, book 3 – contributed papers, 290-294. Rev.: MR 57, 4 (1979), 10762, p. 1397; ZM 353 (1978), 60026, p. 341; CI 4 (1978), p. 39, 299, 366, 410.

8.      The multidimensional truncated Pólya distribution, Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae Series I: Commentationes Mathematicae (Prace Matematyczne), 19, 2 (1977), p. 189-210. Rev.: MR 56, 5 (1978), 13420, p. 1779; ZM 362 (1978), 60036, p. 367; RZ 11 (1977), 11 B6, p. 2; CI 5 (1979), p. 36, 354, 392,498; ESS p.414, 417; DMD p.201, 217, 229.

9.      Contribution to the moment problem of the Pólya distribution, Proceedings of the Symposium to honour Jerzy Neyman, Warszawa (Warsaw) 1977 , PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers), p. 89-90. Rev.: MR 57, 3 (1979), 7839, p. 1031; ZM 365 (1978), 60018, p. 296; RZ 5 (1978), 5 B10, p. 2; CI 4 (1978), p. 39, 367,410

10.  Jedno i wielowymiarowe rozkłady dyskretne. W: „Metody Statystyczne w Sterowaniu Jakością” ‑ praca zbiorowa pod redakcją prof. Szymona Firkowicza – materiały z konferencji PAN w Jabłonnie 24-28 listopada 1975 r. (One and multivariate discrete probability distributions, in „Statistical Methods in Quality Control”, complete edition by Prof. Szymon Firkowicz – Reports of the conference of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Jabłonna, November 23-28, 1975), Ossolineum, Wrocław 1977, Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Sciences), p. 163-193, in Polish.

11.  Jednowymiarowe rozkłady dyskretne ze zniekształceniem. Ibidem: p. 195-208 (One-dimensional inflated discrete distributions), in Polish.

12.  Multivariate doubly truncated discrete distributions, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Łódź 1977, p. 1-114. Rev.: ZM 374 (1978), 60016, p. 301; DMD p. 21, 29, 72, 86, 177, 198, 201, 217, 229.

13.  Wielowymiarowe ucięte rozkłady dyskretne (Multivariate truncated discrete distributions ‑ in Polish), Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae Series III: Matematyka Stosowana, 12 (1978), p. 77-90. Rev.: ZM 441 (1981), 60014, p. 351; RZ 9 (1979), 9 B176, p. 27; CI 8 (1982), p. 41, 368, 505; DMD p. 217, 229.

14.  On the recurrence relation for the moments about an arbitrary point of a class of discrete inflated distributions, Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae Series I: Commentationes Mathematicae (Prace Matematyczne), 21, 2 (1979), p. 291-298. Rev.: ZM 428 (1980), 60020, p. 332; RZ 12 (1980), 12 B18,p. 4; TUD p. 736, 582, 606.

15.  Moment recurrence relations for the inflated negative binomial, Poisson and geometric distributions, Demonstratio Mathematica, 12, 2 (1979), p. 389-410. Rev.: ZM 417 (1980), 60017, p. 332-333; RZ 3 (1980), 3 B151, p. 25; CI 6 (1980), p. 34, 261, 277, 331, 340, 365, 396; TUD p. 736, 483, 484, 485, 486, 492, 582, 606.

16.  Rozkład sumy i średniej zmiennych losowych podlegających rozkładowi będacemu mieszaniną. Sprawozdania z posiedzeń Komisji Naukowych PAN Odział w Krakowie (Distribution of the sum and the mean of mixed random variables) in: Reports of the Polish Academy of Sciences, January-June 1977, Section in Cracow, Ossolineum 1979, 21/1, p. 132-134, in Polish.

17.  Evaluation of the inverse hypergeometric distribution, Transactions of Eighth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, Prague, August 28 – September 1, 1978, Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, vol. C, Prague 1979, p. 123-133. Rev.: ZM 406 (1980), 60013, p. 348; RZ 1 (1980) B688, p.102.

18.  Distribution of the sum and the mean of mixed random variables in a class of distributions, Analytic Function Methods in Probability Theory, Debrecen (Hungary) 1977. 21. Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai (1980), p. 93-98. Rev.: ZM 416 (1980), 60018, p. 326; SA 22, 3 (1981), 3.6/1508; TUD p. 736, 502, 26.

19.  Incomplete moments of the multivariate Pólya, Bernoulli (polynomial), hypergeometric and Poisson distributions,Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 15 (1980), p.107‑121. Rev.: RZ B18 (1983), p. 3; CI 9 (1983), p. 43, 180, 314, 318, 379, 422, 424; SA 24, 3 (1983), 1.2/1535; ESS p. 409, 417; DMD p. 11, 29.

20.  On multivariate power series distributions, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (Bucharest), 26, 2 (1981), p. 247-266. Rev.: RZ 9 (1981), 9 B6, p. 2; CI 8 (1982), p. 41, 368, 403; SA 24, 3 (1983), 2.9/1626; DMD p. 154, 167, 169.

21.  Incomplete moments of basic discrete probability distributions, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 26, 3 (1981), p. 405-416. Rev.:MR 83c (1983), 62022, p. 1152; ZM 458 (1982), 60013, p. 306; RZ 11 (1981), 11 B24, p. 4; CI 8 (1982), p. 234, 359, 408; SA. 24, 3 (1983) 2.1/1627; TUD p. 736, 502, 528, 387, 205, 213, 45, 26.

22.  Multivariate inflated discrete distributions, Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Probability Theory, Brasov (Romania), Sept. 10-15, 1979, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucuresti 1981, p. 341-346 (with Joanna Jarzębska). Rev.: MR 82k (1982), 62094, p. 4871; ZM 474 (1982), 62042, p. 360; RZ 7 (1982), 7 B15, p. 3; CI 10 (1984), p. 51, 291, 380; SA. 25, 3 (1984), 2.9/1550; DMD p. 20.

23.  Momenty niekompletne odwrotnego rozkładu Pólyi (Incomplete moments of the inverse Pólya distribution), Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae Series III: Matematyka Stosowana, 20 (1982), p. 47-58 (with Joanna Jarzębska). Rev.: MR 85d (1985), 62020, p. 1617-18; ZM 519 (1984), 60009, p. 397-398; RZ 7 B16 (1983), p. 3.

24.  The compounding of the binomial and gereralized beta distributions, Probability and Mathematical Inference, Proceedings of the 2nd Pannonian Conference on Mathematical Statistics (Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria, June 14-20, 1981), D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland 1982. Edited by: Wilfried Grossmann, Georg Ch. Pflug, and Wolfgang Wertz, p. 87-99. Rev.: MR 83k (1983), 62016, p. 4642; ZM 491 (1983), 62013, p. 410; CI 10 (1984), p. 51, 209, 212, 243; S.A. 24, 2 (1983), 2.4/765; TUD p. 736, 467, 213-215, 41, 43, 45, 30, 33, 34.

25.  The inverse Pólya distribution and its moments derived by the compounding operation, Proceedings of the Third Pannonian Symposium on Mathematical Statistics, Visegrad (Hungary), Sept. 13-18, 1982. Eds.: J. Mogyorodi, I Vincze and W. Wertz, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1983, p. 73-87 (with Joanna Jarzębska). Rev.: MR 85g (1985), 60005, p. 3053; ZM 531 (1984), 60016, p. 287; RZ 9 B23 (1984), p. 5.26.

26.  Über ein statistisches Problem der Verbindung der polynomialen Verteilung mit der Bayesschen Formel (On some statistical problem joining the polynomial distribution to Bayes rule). In: Fachtagung Qualitätsanalyse 1983 „Wege zur Beherrschung des Produktionsprozesses durch Prozessanalysen mittels statistischer Methoden”, Frankfurt (0), Nov. 15-17, 1983, 7. Fachtagung Statistische Prozessanalyse, 18. Kolloquium Statistische Qualitätskontrolle. Edited by: Kammer der Technik, Gesellschaft für Standarisierung der DDR in der KDT, p. 384-393. The paper included in Section B – Statistische Qualitätskontrolle: p. 248-431.

27.  The principal term and rate of convergence of the inverse Pólya distribution, Bulletin de la Societé des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź, 33, 9 (1983), p. 1-6. Rev.: ZM 545 (1985), 60030, p. 276; RZ 5 B31 (1985), p. 7.

28.  Relations between the crude, factorial and inverse factorial moments, Transactions of the Ninth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes (Prague, June 28 – July 2, 1982), Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 1983, p. 247-252. Rev.: RZ 4 B20 (1984), p. 3.; MR 85i (1985), 00018b, p. 3748; ZM 542 (1985), 62014, p. 273.

29.  Związki między momentami zwykłymi, czynnikowymi i czynnikowymi przeciwnymi w przypadku wielowymiarowym, Przegląd Statystyczny 3, 3/4 (1983), p. 245-249 (Relations between the crude, factorial and inverse factorial moments in the multidimensional case – in Polish). Rev.: ZM 534 (1984), 62032, p. 289; RZ 2 B568 (1985), p. 85.

30.  Wprowadzenie do zagadnień kombinatoryki (Introduction to problems of combinatorics ‑ in Polish), Matematyka 2 (190), (1984), p. 75-80 (with T. Sródka).

31.  O szeregach rozbieżnych (On divergent series – in Polish), Matematyka 4/5 (198/199), (1985), p. 262-263.

32.  Die gestutzte Maxwellsche Verteilung (The truncated Maxwell distribution), 9. Fachtagung Statistische Prozessanalyse „Wege zur Beherrschung des Produktionsprozesses”, Frankfurt (O), Nov. 11-12, 1987. Edited by: Kammer der Technik der DDR, Frankfurt (O), 1987, p. 178-188. Gesellschaft für Qualität und Standarisierung.

33.  Zastosowanie zbiorów rozmytych w biologii (Application of fuzzy sets in biology – in Polish), Biologia w Szkole (Biology in School), 1 (207), (1988), p. 8-9 (with Jacek Mańko).

34.  Co to są zbiory rozmyte? (What are fuzzy sets? – in Polish), Delta 7 (175), (1988), p. 6-7 (with Jacek Mańko).

35.  Do czego służą zbiory rozmyte? (What are fuzzy sets used for? – in Polish), Szkiełko i Oko, 9 (80), (1988), p. 11 (with Jacek Mańko).

36.  Prosta metoda zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do różnicowania skuteczności leków (A simple method of application of fuzzy set theory to differentiation of drugs potency – in Polish), Prace Dolnośląskiego Centrum Diagnostyki Medycznej „Dolmed”, Vol. VI, Nr 32, Wrocław 1989, p. 149-155 (Papers of Lower-Silesia Center of Medical Diagnostics, with Elżbieta Rakus).

37.  Zastosowanie analizy czynnikowej w eksperymencie medycznym (Application of factor analysis in the medical experiment), ibidem p. 156-164 (with Elżbieta Rakus).

38.  Momente der verallgemeinerten gestutzten Gamma-Verteilung (Moments of the generalised truncated gamma distribution), 10. Fachtagung Statistische Prozessanalyse „Wege zur Beherrschung des Produktionsprozesses”, Frankfurt (O), Nov. 8-9, 1989. Ed.: Kammer der Technik der DDR, Frankfurt (O), 1989, 8 p. without foliation. Gesellschaft für Qualität und Standarisierung.

39.  O użyteczności pojęć zmiennej rozmytej i zmiennej lingwistycznej w naukach przyrodniczych (On the utility of the notions of a fuzzy variable and a linguistic variable in natural sciences), Listy Biometryczne – Biometrical Letters 27 (1, 2), (1990), p. 3-12 (with Elżbieta Rakus).

40.  Czy szeregi rozbieżne mogą mieć skończoną sumę? O powiązaniach między teorią sumowalności i teorią prawdopodobieństwa (May the divergent series have finite sum? On the relationships between the summability and probability theories – in Polish), Matematyka-Społeczeństwo-Nauczanie, Wyższa Szkoła Rolniczo – – Pedagogiczna w Siedlcach – Ośrodek Kultury Matematycznej w Mordach, 5/VII (1990), p. 38-42.

41.  Zastosowanie teorii zbiorów rozmytych w diagnostyce i leczeniu stanów zapalnych narządów płciowych i układu moczowego kobiet (Application of fuzzy set theory to medical diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of genital organs and urinary tract in women – in Polish), Wiadomości Parazytologiczne 36, 5-6, (1990), p. 251-267 (with Elżbieta Rakus and Alicja Kurnatowska).Rev.: CIM 23 (1992), p. 17411.

42.  On some statistical problem joining the Pólya inflated distribution to Bayes’  rule, Fasciculi Mathematici 19 (236) (1990), p. 77-85. Rev.: MR 92c (1992), 60019, p. 1529; RZ 8 B66 (1991), p. 9; ZM 734 (1992), 62010, p. 325; CMP 23, 10 (1991), p. 1318,1321

43.  The sequential ratio test for a logistic distribution in case of two populations, Studii si Cercetari Matematice (Romania) 42, 5-6, (1990), p. 431-436. Rev.: RZ 1 B196 (1992), p. 33; ZM 747 (1992), 62085, p. 339; SA. 35 (3) (1994) 05: 080/2754.

44.  Probability of fuzzy intuitionistic sets, BUSEFAL 45 (1990/91) p. 128-136 (with Jacek Manko).

45.  Liczby rozmyte – nowe idee w matematyce (Fuzzy numbers – new concepts in mathematics – in Polish), Problemy 1 (533), (1991), p. 32-35 (with Jacek Mańko).

46.  Correlation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 44, 1 (1991), p. 39-43 (with Jacek Mańko). Rev.: MR 92h (1992), 04005, p. 4141; ZM 742 (1992), 04008, p. 30; CMP  3 (1992), 04, p. 275, 377.

47.  Application of the compounding of distributions to the determination of characteristic function, Fasciculi Mathematici 22 (300), (1991), p. 147-150. Rev.: MR 93c (1993), 60035, p. 2720; RZ 1 B30 (1993) p. 22; ZM 758 (1993), 60016, p. 278; CMP  16 (1992), 60E, p. 2297.

48.  The multivariate inverse Pólya distribution and its factorial moments, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis – Folia Oeconomica 113 (1991), p. 5-24; Econometric and Statistical Theory (Part II). Rev.: RZ 1 B29 (1993), p. 22.

49.  O entropii i informacji w warunkach nieostrości zjawisk (On the entropy and information in circumstances of fuzziness of events – in Polish), Fizyka w Szkole (Physics in the School) 2 (209) (1991), p. 70-74 (with Jacek Mańko).

50.  Wielomiany czynnikowe i symbol Newtona (Factorial polynomials and Newton’s symbol ‑ in Polish), Delta 5 (204) (1991), p. 4-5.

51.  O pomocnej roli zbiorów rozmytych w diagnozowaniu medycznym (On a helpful role of fuzzy sets in medical diagnoses, in Polish), II Krajowa Konferencja Komputery w Medycynie (II National Conference Computers in Medicine), Łódź 19-20.9.1991, p. 436-445, (with Elżbieta Rakus).

52.  Remarks on a fuzzy function and its fixed point, in: Papers of fuzzy sets and their applications, ed. Jerzy Albrycht, Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu, Zeszyty Naukowe – Seria I, Zeszyt 187, Poznań 1992, p. 18-20.

53.  Entropy and correlation of probabilistic fuzzy sets, (with Jacek Mańko), in: Papers of fuzzy sets and their applications, ed. Jerzy Albrycht, Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu, Zeszyty Naukowe – Seria I, Zeszyt 187, p. 21-24, Poznań 1992.

54.  Estimation of a parameter of a logistic distribution, Transactions of the 11th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, Prague, August 27-31, 1990, Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 1992, p. 441-448. Rev.: ZM 764 (1993), 62024, p. 305-306.

55.  A method of calculating the membership degrees for symptoms in diagnostic decisions, Cybernetics and Systems Research 92, Proceedings of the Eleventh European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, held in Vienna, April 21-24, 1992, published by World Scientific Publ., ed. Robert Trappl, Singapore 1992, Vol. 1 Chapter: Fuzzy Sets, Approximate Reasoning and Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 479-486 (with Elzbieta Rakus).

56.  O zastosowaniu teorii zbiorów rozmytych w medycynie (On an application of the fuzzy set theory in medicine – in Polish), Studium Vilnense 2 (2) (1992), p. 44-45. Materiały II Konferencji „Nauka a jakość życia”, Wilno, 17-20.9.1992 (Proc. of the 2nd Conference „The science and the quality of the life”, Vilnius, Sept. 17-20, 1992).

57.  Research in Łódź Poland, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 48, 3 1992 p. 402-404.

58.  The appreciation of effectiveness of trichomonacidal drugs by means of fuzzy set theory, 7th International Symposium on System-Modelling-Control, Zakopane, May 17-21, 1993, publ. by Institute of Computer Science Techn. Univ. of Łódź, Polish Cybernetical Society and Polish Society of Medical Informatics, Łódź 1993, p. 126-129 (with Elżbieta Rakus and Alicja Kurnatowska).

59.  An attempt of application of fuzzy set theory to medical diagnosing process of inflammation of urinary and genital organs in women, ibidem p. 130-133 (with E. Rakus and A. Kurnatowska).

60.  On modelling membership function values in diagnostic decisions, Listy Biometryczne ‑ Biometrical Letters 30, 1 (1993), p. 3-12 (with Elżbieta Rakus).

61.  Prognosis of experiment results based on a two-stage examination, joining the Pascal distribution to Bayes problem, Zeszyty Nauk. Politech. Łódzkiej (Scient. Bull. Łódź Techn. Univ.) Nr 687, Matematyka 25 (1993), p. 93-105. Rev.: MR 94k: 60013, p. 6594; ZM 804 (1995), 60019, p. 361; CMP 26,9 (1994), p. 1245, 1248.

62.  A  sequential ratio test for a logistic distribution, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis – Folia Oeconomica 132 (1993), p. 35-40 (with Joanna Gerstenkorn).

63.  A compound of the generalized gamma distribution with the  Laplace distribution truncated at zero, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź 44 (1994), Recherches sur les déformations 17 (1994),  p. 5-10. Rev.: MR 96g (1996), 62020, p. 4290; ZM 872 (1998) 62013, p. 366.

64.  Filozofia rozmytości a matematyka losowości (The philosophy of fuzziness and the mathematics of randomness in Polish), Studia Philosophiae Christianae 30(2)(1994), p.83‑97(with Jacek Mańko)

65.  An application of fuzzy set theory to differentiating the effectiveness of drugs in treatment of inflammation of genital organs, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 68 (1994), p. 327-333 (with Elżbieta Rakus).

66.  Metody konstrukcji funkcji przynależności w przypadku objawów ocenianych jakościowo lub ilościowo (Methods of construction of membership functions in the case of symptoms appreciated qualitatively or quantitavely – in Polish), III Krajowa Konferencja „Komputery w Medycynie” (III National Conference „Computers in Medicine”), Łódź 23-24.6.1994, p. 165‑170. Ed. By: Institute of Informatics of the Łódź Technical University, Polish Assoc. of Medical Informatics, Polish Assoc. of Cybernetics, Polish Assoc. of Simulation (with Elżbieta Rakus).

67.  The conceptions of entropy, energy and correlation of bifuzzy sets in the case of random experiments, Transactions of the Twelfth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, Prague, August 29 – September 2, 1994. Publ. by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Department of Stochastic Informatics and Charles University – Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, p. 73-76 (with Jacek Mańko).

68.  On probability and independence in intuitionistic fuzzy set theory, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 1 (1995), p. 36-39 (with Jacek Mańko). Rev.: CMP 03 97.

69.  Bifuzzy probabilistic sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 71 (1995), p. 207-214 (with Jacek Mańko). Rev.: CMP 27,12 (1995), p. 1732, 1790; MR 96a: 04007, p. 30.

70.  O modelowaniu pewnych zjawisk przyrodniczych z użyciem teorii zbiorów rozmytych (On modelling of some natural phenomenons using the fuzzy set theory – in Polish), IV Krajowa Konferencja Modelowanie Systemów Biologicznych, Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, czerwiec 2-3, 1995 (IV National Conference Modelling of Biological Systems, Jagellonian University, Cracow, June 2-3, 1995).

71.  Sylwetki Łódzkich Uczonych – Profesor Włodzimierz Krysicki, Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe – Societas Scientiarum Lodziensis Fasc. 26, Łódź 1995 (Characters of the Łódź scientists ‑ Prof. W. Krysicki – in Polish).

72.  A compound of the Pólya distribution with the beta one, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 4,2 (1996),p. 108-119. Rev.: CMP 15 96; ZM 857 (1998) 60012, p. 371.

73.  Fuzziness and randomness: various conceptions of probability, Proc. del III Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Internacional de Gestión y Economia Fuzzy (SIGEF), 10-13 Nov. 1996, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Editores:Emma Fernandez Loureiro, Luiza L. Lazzari, Emilio A.M. Machado, Rodolfo H. Pérez, Antonio Terceno. Vol. III, paper 2.45, 21 pages (with Jacek Mańko).

74.  On some statistical problem linking the polynomial distribution to Bayes’ rule, 15th Multivariate Statistical Analysis ’96, December 1996, Łódź University, p. 11-18 (with Joanna Gerstenkorn).

75.  Exploitation of fuzzy set theory in certain ecological problems, BUSEFAL 69 (1996/97) p. 31‑36 (with Jacek Mańko).

76.  Remarks on the generalized doubly truncated gamma distribution, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis – Folia Oeconomica 141 (1997), p. 25-30 (with Joanna Gerstenkorn).

77.  Methods for constructing membership functions in the case when symptoms are estimated qualitatively or quantitatively, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (Polish Academy of Sciences) 17, 1-2 (1997), 115-126 (with Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson).

78.  Application of a fuzzy model of making a decision to choose a medicine in the case of symptoms prevailing after the treatment, Medical Informatics Europe ’97, IOS Press, Amsterdam 1997, p. 277-279. Ed. by C. Pappas, N. Maglaveras, J.-R. Scherrer (with Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson).

79.  The Gini’s mean difference of an inflated discrete distribution, 16th International Conference on Multivariate Statistical Analysis MSA’97, November 27-29, 1997, p. 147-151.

80.  A fuzzy model of decision making to the choice of a medicine in the case of symptoms prevailing after the treatment, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. 45 (4) (1997), Technical Sciences, p. 633- 641 (with Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson).

81.  An application of fuzzy set theory in a diagnostic process extended in time, Cybernetics and Systems ’98, Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, held at the University of Vienna, Austria, 14-17 April 1998, edited by Robert Trappl, University of Vienna and Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vol. I:Fuzzy Systems, Approximate Reasoning and Knowledge-Based Systems, p.160-162 (with Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson).

82.  Bifuzzy probability of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 4 (1) (1998), p. 8-14 (with Jacek Mańko).

83.  A diagnostic process extended in time as a fuzzy model, Invited paper at the Second Intern. Conf. on Computing Anticipatory Systems CASYS ’98, Liège (Belgium), August 10-14, 1998, Abstract book: editor Daniel M. Dubois, published by CHAOS’ Asbl (Centre for Hyperincursion and Anticipation in Ordered Systems), p. 17-19 ( with Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson). Full invited paper in: COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS, CASYS’98-Second International Conference, Liège, Belgium August 1998. Editor: Daniel M. Dubois, CHAOS, Institute of Mathematics, University of Liège, Belgium. Publ. by the American Institute of Physics, AIP Conference Proceeding 465, Woodbury, New York 1999, p.283-287.

84.  A problem of bifuzzy probability of bifuzzy events, BUSEFAL 76 (1998) 41-47 (with J.Mańko).

85.  Prognosis of experiment results based on a two-stage examination, joining the inverse Pólya distribution to Bayes’ rule,  Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics , B Grigelionis et al. eds , VSP/TEV 1999 (Proc. of the 22nd European Meeting of Statisticians and 7th Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius (Lithuania), August 12-18, 1998), p. 287-294.

86.  Randomness in the bifuzzy set theory, CASYS Intern. J. of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Ed. by Daniel M. Dubois – Univ. of Liège, Belgium – Third Intern. Conf. on Computing Anticipatory Systems, HEC-Liège, Belgium, August 9-14, 1999, Partial Proc., Vol. 7, pp.89-97 (with  Jacek Mańko)..

87.  A comparison of fuzzy decision models supporting the optimal therapy, in: Fuzzy Systems in Medicine, Physica-Verlag, A Springer-Verlag Company; Heidelberg-New York 2000. Editors of the Volume: Piotr Szczepaniak, P.J. Lisboa, J. Kacprzyk, Vol. 41 of „Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing“      (with E. Rakus-Andersson), p. 561-572.

88.  On a mathematical model of the decision on a therapy when the diagnosis is known, Proc. of the Sixth National Conference on Application of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, Zawoja, September 12-15, 2000, Department of Electronics, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland, p. 44-49 , ed. by Roksana Cieciak, chairman: Prof. Dr hab. eng. Mariusz Ziółko (with Andreja Tepavčević).

89.  Średnia różnica Giniego w teorii i zastosowaniach (Gini’s mean difference in theory and applications – in Polish),  Modelowanie Statystyczne – Wyzwania i Dylematy Statystyki XXI wieku pod redakcją Walentego Ostasiewicza (Statistical Modelling – Challenges and Dilemmas of Statistics  of XXI century, ed . by Walenty Ostasiewicz),  Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2000 , s. 84-100 (Publishing House of the Oskar Lange Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław 2000, p. 84-100), with Joanna Gerstenkorn.

90.  Remarks on the classical probability of bifuzzy events, invited paper, CASYS Intern. J. of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Ed. by Daniel M. Dubois – Univ. of Liège, Belgium – Fourth Intern. Conf. on Computing Anticipatory Systems, HEC – Liège, Belgium, August 7-12, 2000, Partial Proc., Vol. 8, pp. 190-196 (with Jacek Mańko).

91.  Nonprobabilistic measures of bifuzzy probabilistic sets,BUSEFAL 83 (2000) 63-69 ( with Jacek Mańko).

92.  An L-Fuzzy set model of the optimal therapy when diagnosis is known, Proc. of the 10th International Conference on System-Modelling-Control, Zakopane  (Poland), May 21-25, 2001, Editor: Piotr S. Szczepaniak, Published by the Institute of Computer Science, Technical University of Łódź, Łódź 2001, Vol 1, 201-206 (with Andreja Tepavčević).

93.  On a hesitancy margin and a probability of intuitionistic fuzzy events , Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 7, 1 (2001), 4-9  ( with Jacek Mańko).

94.  Intuitionistic fuzzy set entropies, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 7, 1 (2001) 30-36 (with Jacek Mańko).

95.  Lattice valued bifuzzy sets, VIII SIGEF Congress (International Association for Fuzzy-set Management and Economy) „New Logics for the New Economy”, September 20-21, 2001; Proceedings edited by Giuseppe Zollo (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale, Università di Napoli Federico II), Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane 2001. Extended abstract: pp. 65-68; Full paper (in Section: Fuzzy Thinking) pp.1-8  (with Andreja Tepavčević).

96.  Die Gini-Mitteldifferenz in der  statistischen Praxis. Anwendung auf einige inflationistische Verteilungen,  Acta Universitatis Lodziensis – Folia Oeconomica  164 (2003) 15-28 (with Joanna Gerstenkorn).

97.  Gini’s mean difference in the theory and applications to inflated distributions, STATISTICA 63, 3 (2003) 469-488  (with Joanna Gerstenkorn).

98.  An application of the theory of intuitionistic fuzzy sets to medical diagnosis, (to be published)  with Andreja Tepavčević.

99.  Lattice valued intuitionistic fuzzy relations and applications, First Warsaw International Seminar on Soft Computing, Sept. 8, 2003, Warsaw-Poland. Organized by Systems Research Institute – Polish Academy of Sciences and Warsaw School of Information Technology, endorsed by European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), European Network on Intelligent Technologies for Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE), Polish Association for Operations and System Research (PTBOiS), Polish Neural Network Society (PTSN) (with Andreja Tepavčević).Published by: Soft Computing – Foundations and Theoretical Aspects. Eds.:Krassimir T. Atanassov, Olgierd Hryniewicz, Janusz Kacprzyk, Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT, (Problemy Współczesnej Nauki – Teoria i Zastosowania, Informatyka), Warszawa 2004, pp. 222-234.

100.  Intuitionistic fuzzy set energies, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 9, 1 (2003) 41-48  (with Jacek Mańko).

101.  Medical diagnosis with a hesitancy margin, Cybernetics and Systems 2002, Vol.II, p.542-544, Proc. of the Sixteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, held at the University of Vienna, Austria, 2-5 April 2002. Ed by Robert Trappl, Univ. of Vienna and Austrian Soc. for Cybernetic Studies (with Andreja Tepavčević).

102.  Lattice valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Central European Journal of Mathematics (CEJM) (Central European Science Journals) 2 (3) 2004, 388-398   (with Andreja Tepavčević). Rev.: ZM 1060 (2005/11) 03074, p. 28.

103.  Ocena skuteczności leczenia metodą teorii zbiorów rozmytych, (Evaluation of the efficency of a treatment by the method of the fuzzy set theory), Terapia 9, fasc. 1 (126) (2002), 44-46                  (Cardiology), with Kinga Hadław-Durska.

104.  A compound of the generalized negative binomial distribution with the generalized beta distribution, Central European Journal of Mathematics (CEJM) (Central European Science Journals) 2 (4) (2004) 527-537. Rev.: ZM  1059 (2005/10) 60015, p. 414.

105.  On the equivalency of some recurrence relations for central moments of the Pólya distribution, (to be published).

106.  Fuzzy sets in therapy evaluation, Quality of Life, Proc. of the Second Intern. Conf., Wrocław 2002, edited by Walenty Ostasiewicz, Wrocław University of Economics, Department of Statistics, pp. 66-76 (with Kinga Hadław-Durska).

107. A compound of an inflated Pascal distribution with the Poisson one, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis-Folia Oeconomica 194 (2005)  21-32.

108. Limit property of the compound distribution binomial-generalized two-parameter gamma, 22nd Conference Multivariate Statistical Analysis, November 3-5, 2003, University of Łódź, Poland,  Acta Universitatis Lodziensis – Folia Oeconomica 196 (2006), 87-91.

109. An L-Fuzzy set model of the optimal therapy when diagnosis is known, invited paper (Improved version of paper 92), CASYS Intern. J. of Computing Anticipatory Systems. Ed by Daniel M. Dubois, published by  CHAOS 2004 as  Proc. of  CASYS’03, The Sixth Intern. Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liège, Belgium, August 11-16,2003 (with Andreja Tepavčević), Vol.14: Anticipatory Systems and Cybernetics, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence – pp. 146-155, Computer Science and Simulation Models.

110.     Probability of intuitionistic fuzzy events with help of modal operators, Cybernetics and Systems 2006. Proc. of the Eighteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2006), University of Vienna, April 18-21, 2006. Edited by Robert Trappl, Medical University of Vienna and Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vol. I:  Mathematical Methods in Cybernetics and Systems Theory, pp.52-56 (with Jacek Mańko).

111.     .Użyteczność prawdopodobieństwa zdarzenia rozmytego przy ocenie zjawisk ekonomicznych (Utility of probability of a fuzzy event to evaluation of some economic problems – in Polish), Zarzadzanie organizacjami w świetle wyzwań XXI wieku – od teorii do praktyki – Tom 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Kupieckiej w Łodzi (Management of organisations in aspect of needs of XXI century – Publishers of the University of Trade), Łódź 2005, Vol. 2 pp.399-412  (with Jacek Mańko).

112.     Probabilities of intuitionistic fuzzy events, First Warsaw International Seminar on Intelligent Systems, Systems Research Institute and the Institute of Computer Science, both of the Polish Academy of Sciences, May 21, 2004, Warsaw-Poland  (with Jacek Mańko); Issues in Intelligent Systems – Paradigms. Eds.: Olgierd Hryniewicz, Janusz Kacprzyk, Jacek Koronacki, Sławomir T. Wierzchoń. Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT, Warszawa 2005. In series: Problems of present science – Theory and Applications – Informatics (Problemy współczesnej nauki – Teoria i zastosowania – Informatyka), pp. 63-68. .

113.     Probability of a fuzzy event.Review of problems ,  23rd  Annual Conference on Multivariate Statistical Analysis MSA 2004, November 8-10th, 2004, University of Łódź, Poland  (with Joanna Gerstenkorn), Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica 206 (2007) 311-319,

114.     Utility and helpfulness of probability of the fuzzy events in some economic problems, invited paper, CASYS Intern. J. of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 18, p. 187-195.. Ed. by Daniel M. Dubois, published by CHAOS 2006 as Proc. of CASYS’05, The Seventh International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liege, Belgium, August 8-13, 2005 (with Jacek Manko).

115.     Hesitancy as an element of life, Towards Quality of Life Improvement. Edited by Walenty Ostasiewicz, The Publishing House of the Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław 2006 (Third International Conference QOL 2005 – Towards Quality of Life Improvement, Wrocław, 14-16 September 2005) p. 404-410.

116.     Fuzzy sets in therapy evaluation, XV Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM 2002, Zlatibor, May 26 – May 31, 2002. Edited by: N. Krejić, A. Lužanin, University  of Novi Sad, Faculty of WScience, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, pp. 105-112.

117.  Limit property of a compound of the generalized negativ binomial  and beta distributions,

         24st Annual Conference on Multivariate Statistical Analysis MSA 2005, November

7-9, 2005, University of  Łódź, Poland, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica 225

(2009) 111 – 115.

118. Uwagi o rozkładach inflacyjnych (ze zniekształceniem) (Remarks on inflated distributions),

[In:] Statystyka w praktyce społeczno-gospodarczej pod redakcją Walentego Stasiewicza,

Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2007

(Statistics in the social-economic practise, ed. by Walenty Ostasiewicz, publishing house of

The Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław 2007), p. 83-88. Materiały z:                           Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Statystyka w praktyce społeczno-gospodarczej, zorganizowana przez Katedrę Statystyki Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, 19-21 czerwca 2006 r. Przewodniczenie Sesji 8. (National Scientific Conference „Statistics in the social-economic practice” organized by the Department of Statistics of the Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, June 19-21, 2006).

119.      Remarks on the generalized probability of the bifuzzy event, 25th Annual Conference on                       Multivariate Statistical Analysis MSA 2006, November 7-9, 2006, University of Łódź, Poland (with Joanna Gerstenkorn), Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica 216 (2008) 261-267.

120.     Introduction to the problem of truncated power series distributions, 26th Annual Conference on Multivariate Statistical Analysis MSA 2007, November 5-7, 2007, University of Łódź, Poland.  Acta Universitatis Lodziensis – Folia Oeconomica 228, edited by Czesław Domański and Jacek Białek, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łodzkiego, Łódź 2009, pp. 265-269.

121.     Dlaczego matematyka (Why the mathematics – in Polish), Matematyka, 1 (2009) 15-18.

122.     Probability of the fuzzy events and its application In some economic problems, 31st Annual International Conference on Multivariate Statistical Analysis MSA 2012, November 12-14, 2012, University of Łódź, Poland, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica (to be published).




1.      Ćwiczenia z kombinatoryki i rachunku prawdopodobieństwa (Practice in Combinatorics and Probability Theory, in Polish), Warszawa (Warsaw) – Łódź 1962, PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers), pp. 331 (with T. Śródka), impression of 3000 + 70 copies.

2.      Kombinatoryka i rachunek prawdopodobieństwa. Teoria, ćwiczenia i zbiór zadań (Combinatorics and Probability. Theory, Practice and Collection of Problems, in Polish), Warszawa (Warsaw) 1967, PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers), pp. 504 (with T. Śródka), impression of 1920 + 20 copies.

3.      Kombinatoryka i rachunek prawdopodobieństwa (Combinatorics and probability theory – in Polish), Warszawa (Warsaw), PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers), (with T. Śródka), ISBN 83‑01‑00204‑2

1972, Ist ed., 5000 + 250 copies

1973, IInd ed., 5000 + 150 copies

1974, IInd ed., 5000 + 150 copies, additional printing,

1976, IIIrd ed., 10000 + 150 copies

1978, IVth ed., 10000 + 150 copies

1979, Vth ed., 9850 + 150 copies

1980, VIth ed., 9850 + 150 copies

1983, VIIth ed., 9850 + 150 copies


Rev.: MR 54, 2 (1977), 3775, p. 543; 359 (1978), 60007, p. 341;

Ann. Soc. Math. Pol. Ser. II: Wiadomości Matematyczne, 18 (1974),

p. 234-237.




1.      Z. M. Kaniewski, Rachunek prawdopodobienstwa. Teoria i zastosowania w radiotechnice (Probability. Theory and application in radio engineering, in Polish from the Russian, (orig.title:  Вероятностные задачи в радиотехнике, „Энергия”, Москва 1966), Warszawa 1969, WNT (Scientific – Technical Publishers, Warsaw), pp. 191, 3195 copies.

2.      Athanasios Papoulis, Prawdopodobieństwo, zmienne losowe i procesy stochastyczne (Probability, random variables and stochastic processes, McGraw-Hill, 1969 New York, in Polish from the English), Warszawa 1972, WNT (Scientific – Technical Publishers, Warsaw), pp. 607, 3200 copies.